justpoppingin Just can't stay away

註冊日: 2009-08-19 發表數: 126 某平行宇宙,銀河系,太陽系,類地行星,地球,歐亞非大陸,歐亞板塊,亞洲,東亞,花彩列島,台灣 的某個角落
| A Notice for All Who Want to Register A Account at This Website |  | Chiuchang Methematics Education Foundation's website's user has been over 9700 people. But is there really many people discuss math on this website? It isn't. In fact, there is only about 1000 people(or less) is still using it in the right way or used it before. There are too many people just register an account in order to show off their websites or blogs. But it just occupies the system. If you just want to do this kind of work. Then I have to tell you ─ you are wasting your time. Look at your left, it only shows last four people who logged in. And it still has some people keeping discussing math on this website ─ your account and your website won't be noticed after a few time. If the system is broken further, not only you don't get any good things, but also you are one who let this system being broken. If you want to register an account, you have to promise that you really want to discuss math with us ─ then we are appreciate your coming. --------------------------------------------------------------- 「九章數學教育基金會」網站的使用者已經超過9700人。但真的有那麼多人在這討論數學嗎?事實上,大約只有200個人(或不到)仍然以正確的方式使用或曾經以這樣的方法使用過。有極大部分的人設立帳號是為了炫耀他們的網頁或部落格,但這只是在佔據系統的空間。如果你正想要這麼做的話,那我要告訴你:這只是在浪費時間!看看你的左邊吧,這邊只會顯示最近四個登入這個網站的使用者。再說,現在仍然會有使用者討論數學,你的帳號在很快的時間內就不會再被發現。而且如果系統壞掉的話,你不僅沒得到好處,而且你還是使系統故障的兇手之一。 如果你真的想要在這創辦帳號的話,你必須保證你是為了討論數學而做此事。如果你是的話,我們非常歡迎你的加入。 -------------------------------------------------- Here are some account that just be registered to show off their websites or blogs. 這裡列出了一些只為了炫耀他們的網站或部落格的帳號。 webchatx ID:9753 sdresssexy ID:8582 KianOvf ID:9746 FelipaFq ID:9742 DuaneXv ID:9739 ... |